Resources to Help You See Clearly
I am retired from counseling but consistently recommend the resources below. Some are newer, but most are reliable classics. I'll add more as I think of them, but these stay on the tip of my tongue. If you want a deeper dive into Meditation, HERE are my favorite (mostly free) resources.

Mutual Peer Support Groups - 12 Step and Otherwise
Alcoholics Anonymous - those with (any) desire to stop drinking
Adult Children of Alcoholics (& Other Dysfunctional Families) - check Traits on home page
Al-Anon Family Groups - those affected by someone else's use of alcohol
Buddhist Recovery Network - various types, addiction/MH support utilizing Buddhist tools
Codependents Anonymous - those seeking healthier relationships
COSA Recovery - those affected by another's compulsive sexual behavior
Debtors Anonymous - relief for effects of unsecured debt on self or others
Deep South Dharma - online meditation training and Buddhist education
Depression/BiPolar Support Alliance - groups and education
Eating Disorders Anonymous - those desiring to recover from eating disorder(s)
Emotions Anonymous - open to anyone desiring greater emotional well-being
Families Anonymous - concerned w/another's drug use or related behaviors
Flowering Lotus Meditation - online meditation groups and regular in-person retreats
Marijuana Anonymous - to be free of having to get high
Mar-Anon Family Groups - those affected by another's marijuana use
Narcotics Anonymous - those with a desire for freedom from drugs, including alcohol
Nat'l Alliance on Mental Illness - groups for mental illness sufferers & caregivers
Oxford Mindfulness Group - free mindfulness practice group in Oxford MS
S-Anon - support for family and friends of those with compulsive sexual behaviors
Sex Addicts Anonymous - for those who want to stop compulsive sexual behavior
Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous - for those who want to stop living addictive patterns
Trauma/Addiction Savvy Therapists & Other Providers I Refer To
Ashley Dickey LPC - Specializes in Neurodiversity (Gifted, ADHD, AUD)
Carolyn Jenkins, LPC, Pathways Counseling - Certified Trauma Therapist
Casey Hester, PMHMP-BC - Psychiatric Provider at Life Balance LLC
Dean Worsham LCSW and Arise Psychiatry - a new exciting resource in Oxford
Carrie Carr LPCP and Hope Enrichment Center - trauma healing and training
Jondelyn Catlette LPC, Mend Counseling - for grief, trauma, codependence recovery
Leigh Jones LCSW - communication/boundaries enthusiast, recovery/codependency
Kana Crumby, LPC - Specialities in Co-Occurring and LBGTQ-Affirming Work
Spark Neurofeedback - Non-medication option for tx of ADHD, mood disorders, & more
Stephen Pannel, DO, ABPN, ABAM, Psychiatrist - including Genome Testing
Susannah Furr, LPC - Transpersonal/Intuitive Counseling in MS & NC
Alisha Irby LPC-MHSP - Trauma, addiction, eating disorders, co-occurring disorders
Allan J Katz LPC-MHSP CSAT - Treats sex, porn, gambling addictions, betrayal trauma
Allison Dowsley LCSW - Certs in neurofeedback, Brainspotting, breathwork, yoga
Arbor Wellness - Residential treatment for mental health/trauma, includes Brainspotting
Becca Davis LPC-MHSP CSAT - Trauma, addiction, codependency, intimacy disorders
Bethany Winfield LMFT - Couples/families, trauma/addiction/co-occurring disorders
Christine Ranck - Internationally recognized Brainspotting trainer/consultant in Nashville
Cumberland Heights - Treatment for drug addiction (Family Program available to anyone)
Deborah Denson - Rule 31 Mediator/Divorce Coach trained in NonViolent Communication
Gaia Center for Embodied Healing - Ind & groups, e.d., trauma, sex therapy, ecopsych
Jeff Browning LADAC II - Adolescents/adults, addiction, trained meditation instructor
Jeannie Ingram LPC - Specialty is 'Getting the Love You Want' Workshops for Couples
Jessica Hirsch LADAC II - Addiction & families, sound healing, Brainspotting
Jill Merkel RD - Intuitive Eating Dietition for Women - GREAT education on her site
Judy Gibson 7 Directions Acupuncture - Individual and Community Acupuncture
Karen Moran LADAC II - Seasoned addiction care for individuals/groups + Brainspotting
Lesley Rickman, LCSW - Trauma, EMDR, LENS Neurofeedback in Jackson TN
Margaret L Conley LCSW MDiv - Brainspotting, IFS, Black spirituality & emotional care
Milestones at Onsite - Trauma treatment (not primary addiction), includes Brainspotting
Mindful Nashville - I was proud to be a small part of its beginnings with Patrick and Mikey!
Onsite Intensives - Short-term (long weekend) experientials, world-renowned
Tyler Nicodem, MA - Treating toxic shame, spiritual trauma, LBGTQIA+ church hurt
Willows Health & Recovery - psychiatric care, spavato, ketamine, MAT, Genome Testing
Dharma Siblings - Teachers/Spiritual Guidance I know and trust
All of these are available online in some capacity: I'm sharing where they are located just for interest
Beth Herzig - meditation teacher, retreat director, tech support in Dharma circles (MS)
Rev Dustin Davis - Clear, kind teacher at Mountain Mindfulness Society (TN)
Rev George Beecher - Dharma teaching in person and Virtual Reality/TRIPP (GA)
Kevin Griffin - more wise uncle than sibling, but belongs on this list of trusted teachers (CA)
Lisa Ernst Meditation - long-time practitioner, seasoned teacher, grounded in integrity (TN)
Rev Mikey Noechel - his fitting Dharma name means "healer of the broken-hearted" (TN)
Noell Clark - meditation training for imprisoned thru Boundless Freedom Project (TN)
Patrick Nitch - founder of Mindful Nashville, cultivator of internal & external harmony (TN)
Susmita Barua - highly intuitive, a great teacher for the non-linear among us (CA)
Venerable Pannavati Maha Theri - Now primarily offering esoteric teachings, this Abbott and Co-Founder of Heartwood Refuge hosts online training and retreats.
Other Resources I Often Share and Think You Should Know About
Association for Size Diversity and Health - advocacy for public health policy improvement
The Beautiful Human App - mindful recovery re body image, includes Brainspotting
Bewilderness Writing - writing with freedom from inner critic with poet/teacher Ellis Elliott
Body Justice Brainspotting - for competent, size-inclusive counseling & advocacy
Food Psych Podcast with Christy Harrison, author of The Wellness Trap
Gaia Center Resource Page - Intersectional Liberation + Anti-Racism + Ecopsychology
Green Shoe Foundation - Incredible & affordable intensives for codependency
Kevin Griffin's Groups for People in Recovery - The O.G. Buddhism & 12 Steps Author
Intuitive Eating Hub - Expert, low-cost help from recovered binger Intuitive.Eating.Ireland
Jill Merkel's Resource Page - for all sorts of HAES/Intuitive Eating education
Southeast Brainspotting Institute - making Brainspotting more accessible
Ten-Percent Happier Podcast - mindfulness themed podcast with Dan Harris
Weight and Healthcare - Ragen Chastain reviews weight research and weight stigma
Weight Inclusive Nutrition and Dietetics - great trainings and info
Accepting Your Resurrection - Contemplative essays. If local you can have 1 at the office
The Artist's Way - Classic for recovering creativity from addictions and excuses
The Beautiful Human: Contemplative Wisdom... - Ebook by Yours Truly, see TBH tab
Conquer Your Critical Inner Voice - Great info and exercises for every area of life
Creative Recovery - Treating addiction using your natural creativity
The Dance of Anger - or any other book by Harriet Lerner
Dilemma of the Alcoholic Marriage - some of the best chapters on marriage are here
The Emotional Incest Syndrome - Terrible title, terrific and valuable book
Facing Codependence - Pia Mellody's groundbreaking work still breaking ground
Faith: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience - Memoir that sheds light on Buddhism
Genograms - for therapists, but great info on family generational patterns
The Grief Recovery Handbook - for death, divorce, innocence, faith, health, career
Getting the Love You Want - An Oprah (and my) favorite for couples - Imago therapy
Giving the Love that Heals - Imago therapy principles in parenting
How Al-Anon Works - good for members and/or professionals
How to Be an Adult in Relationships - based on 5 needed aspects of mindful loving
Language of Letting Go - one of the best daily readers for giving real info and help
Mastering Creative Anxiety - Anxiety from creating or not creating, take your pick!
The Screwtape Letters - My favorite CS Lewis book, another take on the critical inner voice
That's Funny, You Don't Look Buddhist - by a faithful Jew and passionate Buddhist
Unseating the Inner Tyrant - by Ajahn Sucitto, free download
The Wellness Trap - by Christy Harrison cuts through fads with information
Women, Sex & Addiction - by Charlotte Kasl, a larger view than usually seen
Yes, Your Parents are Crazy - One of a pair, this one is for teens
Yes, Your Teen is Crazy - One of a pair, this one for the adults
by Christie Bates (2008)
Described as "a must-read for anyone seeking transformation," this collection of essays uses stories from the New Testament to explore how the lay person might reclaim and reframe language that had previously controlled, so that it may support and inspire.
Conquer Your Critical Inner Voice
by Joyce Catlett, Lisa Firestone and Robert Firestone -
Helps dismantle the train tracks that allow addictions, compulsion and attachments to set the limits on who we can be and what we can choose. Every chapter illustrates how the Voice affects a different area of life and includes very doable, profound questionnaires and exercises.
Oxford Mindfulness (OM) Group
With others in my community, I co-host a mindfulness practice group for one hour Sundays at 4:30pm CT. We meet in the front lobby of 2692 West Oxford Loop in Oxford MS. We meditate, read, and discuss together. Currently, our readings are from the book Living Buddha, Living Christ by Thich Nhat Hahn.